Sports Guards
With player safety as important as ever, you owe it to your players to make custom fit mouthguards a top priority — on par with jerseys, helmets and shoes or cleats. Consider the facts:
- The American Dental Association and the Academy for Sports Dentistry recommend a professionally-made, properly-fitted custom for all contact and collision sports
- Athletes don’t like wearing bulky uncomfortable mouthguards
- Generic boil-and-bite mouthguards are inexpensive because they’re chunks of rubber that are chewed through and turned unrecognizable almost instantly
- Custom mouthguards are designed to match the exact structure of each player’s individual mouth, making for the most intimate and comfortable fitting mouthguard possible and therefore outlasting boil-and-bite guards 5-to-1
- Players leave boil-and-bite mouthguards on the field, in their lockers or simply choose to not use them at all because they look disgusting and make it hard to breathe and speak
- Custom mouthguards are designed for optimal oxygen flow. The more oxygen an athlete takes in, the more enhanced their performance, endurance and communication becomes
- Even players with braces get the comfort and protection they need with custom fit mouthguards.

Night Guards
When a patient is found to be suffering from night grinding or bruxism, he makes a decision to see a dental specialist about it. Sometimes the patient does not know he is a bruxer. A sleeping companion will alert him of the habit or a dentist will notice the wear facets and suggest the presence of the condition. Regardless of how the condition is identified, the patient will be requiring treatment; and the most common management option requires the wearing of a night guard.
A night guard is a removable appliance that is worn by the patient during sleep, to protect his teeth and jaws from the damage that is caused by the habit. It is not necessarily a treatment procedure because the grinding habit is not exactly resolved; but the wearing of the appliance reduces the harmful effects of teeth grinding.
There are three types of night guards that a patient can choose from. Custom dental night guards are different and effective from over the counter night guards. Mostly because of how they are fabricated. The process in which they are made is quite precise, so as to offer patients with customized fit, true comfort and proper function.